
About Us

FilidiLana Firenze

We are experts in the production of fashion accessories, the weavers you look for when you want to wear scarves, stoles, foulards, ponchos and capes perfect for enhancing your style.

It all started with a dream and a wooden loom. The rest is, as they say, history. Our production of fashion accessories was born to bring high-quality, handcrafted creations into the lives of those who love to enhance their personality and exalt their own style. It’s what we do.

We create fine accessories that are available to all. The Vertigo by FilidiLana collection is made up of precious creations woven using traditional methods to highlight the quality of our fine, carefully selected yarns. Every accessory is first and foremost the fruit of an idea of what we ourselves would wear. We then go on to create it with attention to detail and with an abundance of passion.


Indirizzo: via delle Calandre, 49 50041 Calenzano FI Italia

Telefono:  +39 055 898480
Fax: +39 055 8977893

Family spirit in the production of fashion accessories

The FilidiLana identity is forged in the spirit of family, which personifies the humanity we put into relations inside and outside the business. We believe in the value of people, in artisanal tradition, and in the ability of our skilled weavers, masters in the creation of unique products.

We are specialized in the creation of fashion accessories. Every single scarf, stole, foulard, and cape is the fruit of attentive stylistic research because we wish to create the most beautiful accessory you have ever hoped to wear.

All our handcrafted accessories are unique and one of a kind in their genre. They are woven using fine Made in Italy yarns in cashmere, Merino wool, alpaca, linen, and silk.

We wish to offer our clients the highest quality product, one capable of helping them create their own personal style, without constrictions. A refined fashion accessory, elegant and classical, but also trendy and wearable on every occasion and in every situation that comes your way.

Craftsmanship and sustainability

Quality, craftsmanship, and sustainability are the three principals that we abide by and which guide our production of fashion accessories. We honour them every day, without compromise. It is for this reason that we choose suppliers that can guarantee a selection process that is eco-friendly and socially responsible, one that looks to safeguard both people and the environment.

A profound knowledge of the raw materials and particular attention to the artisanal production allow us to create a high-quality finished product, one that is unique and precious. This makes it possible for us to collaborate with some of the most prestigious international fashion brands, for whom we research and create accessory collections.

We have grown incredibly since the day we decided to give our driving passion heed and start out on this adventure. We continue to breathe the trends and listen to our clients to make their wishes come true in the creation of the exclusive fashion accessories they love to wear.

Today, we are thrilled to know that our creations accompany you and that they enhance your style every day of your life. Visit our shop online, or come visit us at our Factory Store FilidiLana and experience, first-hand, the creations we have designed to enhance your every outfit.

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